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Preschool "Seruni Sehat" in Ngringo Village (July - Desember 2013)

fund collected: €700 (22nd Dec 2013)

The UN Declaration of the rights of the children says “all children have the right to go to school, to play and to have an equal chance to develop themselves ... parents have special responsibilities for their education and guidance.”. The people of Ngringo village understand very well this statement. They believe in the importance of education for children in their golden ages period (0-4 years).

Only a few children could enjoy such a preschool education, because the tuition fee is very expensive. So most parents would prefer to keep their children at home. Therefore, some villagers of Ngringo Village took initiative to provide a preschool education, which is affordable and has good quality.

Preschool Seruni Sehat provides opportunities for children to play and learn. It respects any conditions of children. It guides them to be smart, creative and to have self confidence. Preschool Seruni Sehat functions also as a health centre for children. It provides free health check up every three months. With IDR 10.000 / €0,80 a month, children can join to learn and play in Preschool Seruni Sehat.

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